The resident artist and atelier.
I have been an electronic musician for about 40 years, having switched my degree studies from philosophy to audio engineering when I met The Big Moog in the basement of the building where I took physics. Perhaps longer, if one goes back to the days spent in high school hiding in the back of the band room with an Arp Odyssey that was otherwise untouched.
I taught the subject for a while. Too long, really.
Having hauled for years, the detritus of a legacy – stands laden with heavy keyboards, desks filled with equipment – I now work almost entirely on laptop. I miss the knobs, the immediacy. But it is so freeing, in so many other ways.
I still suffer badly from Gear Acquisition Syndrome, as well as an increasingly excruciating tinnitus.
This, and a certain cranky eccentricity, are the only truly consistent features of my life.